Jojanneke Sitsen of the Dutch GetOn Foundation

The Dutch GetOn Foundation “Stichting GetOn” likes working together with GetOn Skills Development Centre South Africa. Here, in The Netherlands, we would never have been able to achieve what GetOn Skills Development Centre has done so far in South Africa. Because in Pretoria West, that’s were it all happens!

It is impressive to see how enthusiastically students come to the lessons, eager to learn, curious, soaking up everything they are being taught in class.

What is so self-evident in The Netherlands, a useful future, is something GetOn Skills Development Centre has been able to achieve for more and more South African youngsters/students from the townships around Pretoria West. The appreciation is enormous and the positive results for them and for their families are directly noticeable. That has touched me and gives a good feeling. Stichting GetOn will keep supporting the South African GetOn Skills Development Centre

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