The unit standards included in this skills programme are:
After completing this programme, you will be able to:
Who I Am & Where I Want To Go
Managing Myself - Goals, Personal & Time Management
Managing My Personal Finances
Getting Ready To Work
Understanding Employment Relations,Rights & Responsibilities
Diversity, Relationships & Communication
Occupationally-based Skills Programme
The programme will help you complete a skills programme that is nationally recognised.
A skills programme is a short, occupationally-based programme that will lead, on successful completion, to award of credits towards a qualification registered in terms of the National Qualifications Framework.
A qualification consists of a minimum number of credits. For example, for the qualification General Education and Training Certificate: Business Practice (Qualification ID 61755), learners should achieve a minimum of 120 credits. These credits are made up through a number of unit standards (learning units) that are required to complete the qualification.
A skills programme may consist of one or more unit standards, as determined by the relevant Sector Education and Training Authority (SETA), which form part of a qualification. This programme will help you achieve 14 of the 120 credits for the qualification mentioned above, if you are found competent during assessment.
Because a skills programme is occupationally based, it consists of theoretical training as well as practical training in the workplace.
Course Duration
The course is run over 40 hours, this can be done in a week Monday – Friday full day training, or can be done over a number of days totalling the 40 hours required. Graduates are to complete a portfolio of evidence during the course which will then be assessed and moderated.
Costing Model
The cost of training for the Life Skills to our corporate partners, if the venue, facilities, and transport provided is R4828 per graduate. If you are interested in the programme, We will meet with you, to discuss numbers, location and project roll out, which will lead to final costing and proposal for you to review.